Trash & Recycling

Trash Collection

Trash Collection days: Wednesdays and Saturdays.

The following neighborhoods recycle on Wednesdays:

  • Teal Run
  • Estates of Teal Run
  • Teal Run North

The following neighborhoods recycle on Saturdays:

  • Winfield Lakes
  • Cambridge Falls
  • Andover Farms

Best Trash provides Curb Side Trash Collection and Recycling Services in Fort Bend MUD 23. Customer concerns can be reported to or visit the website, . When reporting an incident, include the home address in the email message subject line. Provide exact dates and photos in the email message so that Best Trash can address the issue with the correct crew. Customer Service can also be reached by phone on (281) 313-2378

Need a recycling bin? Send a request to: Include your name and address.

The following information is for your review and convenience.


On each regularly scheduled collection day, Best Trash will collect residential refuse located at the curbside in the provided trash cart. Please place the trash cart as close to the street as practicable facing forward. Residents are restricted to one Best Trash cart for refuse and are encouraged to confine refuse to the cart, however additional refuse may be placed in trash cans (between 30- 50 gallons), bags (not weighing over 40 pounds) and placed next to the Best Trash provided trash cart.

Items excluded from normal collection are dirt, rocks, bricks, tile, concrete, tires, batteries, motor oil, cooking oil, waste generated by a private contractor or any materials or items deemed hazardous materials. Please do not dispose of gasoline, motor oil, paints, cooking oil, or any other liquid items in a container that are not visible to Best Trash personnel. If such items results in spillage that causes a stain, Best Trash is not responsible for the cleanup. Best Trash will leave a tag explaining the reason for any non-collected item(s).

Recycleable Items

PAPER (including cardboard), PLASTICS (1-7), ALUMINUM and TIN cans and GLASS (all colors)

Best Trash takes great pride in our recycle program. Ensuring the best recycle program for our customers takes time and effort on both sides. Please remove caps, liquids and food products from inside the containers. Please only use the provided recycle cart for recyclable materials. The green recycle cart is NOT an extra trash container and will NOT be emptied as such. If items exceed container capacity, please place them adjacent to the cart well marked as recyclable materials. Cardboard is recyclable, please break down all boxes flat, and place them next to the recycle cart for collection.

The Fort Bend County Recycling Center located at 1200 Blume Road in Rosenberg does accept household hazardous materials (HHW) that Best Trash cannot remove. For information regarding these services contact the Fort Bend County Solid Waste Hotline at 281-342-3039.

Cart Care & Maintenance

Best Trash will provide each current residence with ONE recycling cart and ONE trash cart. Best Trash will replace any carts that are defective or otherwise become unusable due to normal wear and tear. Lost or stolen carts can be replaced for $65.00 each by calling Best Trash.


Hours of Operation – Collection of refuse shall not start before 7:00 a.m. or continue after 5:00 p.m. on the same day.

Best Trash may decide to observe any or all of the holidays listed below by suspension of collection service on the holiday. In the event the holiday falls on your pick-up day, collection will be made on the next regular scheduled pick-up day.

  • New Year’s Day
  • Memorial Day
  • July 4th
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

Additional Assistance

For assistance, questions or comments please call Best Trash at (281) 313-2378. Best Trash can also be contacted DIRECTLY via email at or visit the website at

Simple Recycling provides residents with pink bags that can be filled and placed curbside on regular recycling collection days.

Accepted Items

  • New or used clothing Boots/shoes
  • Belts
  • Ties
  • Handbags
  • Hats
  • Gloves
  • Toys
  • Towels
  • Sheets
  • Blankets
  • Small kitchen appliances.

A full list of accepted items can be found on the company’s website,

When Simple Recycling picks up the pink recycling bags, they will leave bags for future use. Regular garbage bags (clearly marked for Simple Recycling) can be used if a resident does not have a pink bag. Additionally, pink bag requests can be made on the company’s website.
The Ohio-based for-profit company serves millions of households across the United States and is used by other neighborhoods and MUDs in our area.

According to the Simple Recycling website, all of the materials they collect are graded and sorted locally and/or regionally based on quality and condition. The top-quality materials will be resold to local thrift outlets; mid-grade items are exported to international markets and
“unusable” items are processed for raw materials.

For additional bags or questions, visit, call 866-835-5068, or email